How to Find a Therapist During Covid-19

How to Find a Therapist During Covid-19

by Alexis Barad-Cutler

For parents (especially moms) right now, there is so much on our plates while taking care of others, that our own health and well-being often comes last. As this pandemic trudges on, and quarantine seems to have no end in sight, many of us are finding that our usual coping mechanisms just aren't cutting it. The particular confines and stressors that Covid-19 has foisted upon our relationships with our partners, with our careers, and with our identities are unlike any others most of us have experienced in our lifetimes. For those of us seeking therapy for the first time (or all over again), the process can feel daunting. Here are a few resources that you can turn to right now, when you're a mom wondering how to find a therapist during Covid-19, plus some ideas of how to find the right therapist for you.

Resources for mental health:

For addiction and recovery:

Remember: you don't have to be at rock bottom to "need" a therapist. Everyone could use support right now. In fact, if there was ever a time to grab all the extra support you could possibly get -- it would be during a global crisis. And if the idea of therapy makes you uncomfortable, remind yourself that this doesn't mean you'll be doing it forever. This could simply be a "just now" kind of thing. Just some advice from Mom Group.


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